How to Use the Restore Feature on the EVO 3D Printers

Restore Feature on the EVO2X Fastest Largest 3D Printer for Commerical Use


In the world of 3D printing, ensuring perfect layer adhesion is crucial, especially for large prints. What happens when you encounter a filament jam or run out of filament? Some printers have filament sensors, but they can give false positives over time. EVO 3D printers offer a simple and effective solution with its Restore feature. This feature allows you to resume your print exactly where you left off, ensuring the continuity and quality of your print. Let’s delve into how to use this feature.

Recognizing the Problem

During a print, you may encounter issues such as a filament jam or running out of filament. In the video, the filament is intentionally cut to demonstrate how to use the Restore feature when such issues occur.

Pressing the Restore Button

To begin the restoration process, press the Restore button on the printer. This action will stop the print head and allow you to remove and load new filament.

Removing and Loading New Filament

In the case of a filament outage, prime the new filament into the head, pushing out the remaining filament through the tip.

If there’s a jam, press remove to get the old filament out and then press load to insert the new filament.

Priming the New Filament

Hold the filament to guide it into the hot end. Once you see it coming out of the bottom, hit prime one or two more times to ensure the filament is ready for the print.

Positioning the Print Head

Use the X and Y buttons to move the head around to position it right above the part. Ensure the nozzle is about a layer or slightly less above the part when restarting to ensure good bonding with the existing part.

Pressing Restore Again

After positioning the print head, press the Restore button again. The EVO 3D printer will calculate and find out exactly where the print was left off and resume the print as if nothing ever happened.


The Restore feature is compatible with any EVO 3D printer equipped with firmware 1.71 or later. The Restore feature on the EVO 3D Printer is a lifesaver for large prints, ensuring you don’t lose hours of printing time due to filament issues. By following the above steps, you can effectively use this feature to ensure the continuity and quality of your 3D prints.

RestoreFilament Run Out, or
Filament Jam
Use the Restore feature to resume printing from where it left off.
Reload the filament and ensure it is primed and ready for printing. More Info
1. Restore
2. Prime
3. Toggle
4. Restore
PausePause/ Continue long jobs, or
Change filament
Use the Pause feature to pause long print jobs, keep the part adhered to a warm bed and continue later.
Ensure the printer is in a stable state before resuming the print. More Info
1. Pause
2. Resume
RestartPower OutageUse the Restart feature to resume printing after a power outage.
Ensure the printer is recalibrated and ready for printing
Coming soon!