Saleen Accelerates the Product Design Cycle

Prototyping a Saleen shiftknob design on our in-office

Saleen Automotive Uses Desktop 3D  Printer to Make 3D Printed Car Part Shiftknob Design

American Innovator Saleen Automotive Accelerates the Product Design Cycle with the use of Desktop 3D Printing.  Saleen Automotive has been using an Airwolf 3D printer since October of 2013 to prototype.  They have prototyped, among other things, a custom Saleen shiftknob design with their in-office Airwolf 3D printer.

saleen american innovator

Saleen Automotive uses an Airwolf 3D printer, model AW3D XL. The printer has a standard 0.50 nozzle on the hot end and takes 3 mm filament. It has a build platform of 12” width x 8” depth x 7” height and a temperature controlled heated bed. The printer is equipped with dual fans. 
Topics:  3D Printing for Automotive Parts, 3d printing cars, 3d printed car parts
Prototyping a Saleen shiftknob design on our in-office